We’ve got some announcements!
First off, we have a pizza-and-salad fundraiser sponsored by the amazing folks at MOD Pizza, and it’s TODAY, April 14th! You can come by in person to any of the three locations below, or order online or in the MOD app. Just be sure to use the code MODGIVES25 when you order, and they will donate a percentage of the sales to us, to help cover the costs of special programming at RinCon 2024! We’ll be at the Broadway and Wilmot location from 11:00AM – 9:00PM today with games to play, so come on by and see us!
6351 E. Broadway Blvd. (Broadway and Wilmot)
4386 N. Oracle Rd. (Oracle and Wetmore, near Tucson Mall)
9210 S. Houghton Rd. (Houghton and Mary Ann Cleveland Way)

Which brings us to the second announcement. As many of you have heard, we’ve run into major challenges with getting our main event scheduled this year. The site we’re working with, Casino Del Sol, had a significant electronic incursion. All of their internal and external systems were affected, and then have been varying degrees of locked down for months as part of the investigation. This has included telephones, email, all their scheduling and contracting systems, financials, etc., which meant that they’re not able to create new contracts. Their events department systems have been slowly coming back online, and the staff have been unburying themselves from the unimaginable backlog, and have said that they hope to be able to finalize things in the next few weeks. We HAVE completed negotiations for the date, but because they’re not quite yet able to generate a physical contract for us to sign, we’re not legally able to formally announce the main event. We have passed along the requests and concerns from you, our dear gaming community, that not being able to plan for attending our event is making things difficult for you, and that we’re all getting anxious about the situation (no-one more than us, believe me!!). In response, they have spoken to their legal team, and just now allowed us to release the following information. We can tell you that we’re working on a main event date in November, that we are also going to include a date for 2025 in our contract, and that we have two game days for this year set in stone, both at the Casino Del Sol Conference Center:
Saturday May 11th, 10AM – 10PM
Saturday September 7th, 10AM-10PM
Thank you to all of the folks who have expressed their support and excitement for getting our convention rolling for this year. Casino Del Sol is a great match for our event, and we are eager to be able to make a more specific announcement very soon!