Casino Del Sol Conference Center
5655 W. Valencia Rd. Tucson, AZ 85757

We’ve packed up our dice and maps and minis and cardboard, and we’ve scattered back to our homes all over the Southwest (and some even farther), with great memories and new friends and new favorite games. On behalf of the RinCon board, we’d like to send out a huge thank you to everyone who was part of the event. From the hard-working staff to our stellar special guests, from the supportive and attentive game hosts to the amazing group of volunteers who made the convention run smoothly, from first-time attendees to the SAGA stalwarts who have been coming since the very beginning, we appreciate all that you do to make RinCon a welcoming and fun event that we can all be proud of. We say it every year, and it’s just as true every time: RinCon is *your* convention. You make it what it is, and it’s pretty darn awesome.
A few statistics and numbers:
- There were approximately 650 attendees at RinCon 2024. This officially brings us back to peak pre-COVID attendance numbers. RinCon is back, baby! 🙂
- There were over 650 scheduled games this year. This is the largest number of hosted events ever – thank you to all our GMs!
- We raised ~$250 for the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, plus a bunch of food donations in the boxes. Â If you would like to make further donations, you can go to the link below, which will be open until November 30th. Â We appreciate your support.
- We raised $1200 for the Emerging Developer Program (part of the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming that seeks to highlight rising and impactful talent in the analog tabletop/hobby games industry. It amplifies the voices of up-and-coming designers with a focus on creators from marginalized communities). Â If anyone would like to make a further donation, go to the Keep In Touch menu at the top of this page, click on the Contact Us dropdown, and we will arrange for you to do so.
As we look back on how things went this year, we’d love to hear from all the folks who attended RinCon. Tell us whatever we need to know – the things you loved, the things that could go better, things we should keep or jettison, anything and everything. We can’t improve our convention without your input! Â Please take a few minutes and fill out the survey at this link.
Once again, thank you for being part of our community and for your continued support for our 100% volunteer-run, non-profit convention. Â Go to the Newsletter menu above to sign up for our occasional mailing about RinCon-related or other tabletop events in southern AZ, or the Keep in Touch menu to join our Discord and find us on FaceBook and Instagram. Â We’ll see you next year at RinCon 2025! Â
RinCon 2025
October 3rd – 5th
Casino Del Sol Conference Center