Friday, November 15 – Sunday, November 17
Casino Del Sol Conference Center
5655 W. Valencia Rd., Tucson AZ
Do you have your badge?
Yes? Awesome – we’ll see you in a week!
Not yet? There’s still time to get it! Click here to go to our ticketing site. You can buy your badge until this Sunday, November 10th, at 11:59PM. After that, you’ll have to wait and buy your badge onsite. So if you want to be able to sign up for game sessions ahead of time, get your badge now!
Have you logged in on our schedule site?
Yes? Awesome – we hope you’ve signed up for lots of great games and events!
Not yet? When you buy your badge, you will get an invite email from sched.com that evening. Please log into your sched.com account if you already have one from previous years, or create one using the same email you used to purchase your ticket if this is your first time coming to RinCon. That way you’re in the system and can sign up for, and check into, game sessions.
Have you customized your profile on sched and made it public?
Yes? Awesome – people will know who you are, and your friends can find you and sign up to play games with you!
Not yet? From a computer, once you’ve signed into the RinCon event, hover over your picture (or the generic smiley) that’s next to the grey button that says “Schedule.” That will bring up the options of Schedule (to see what you’re signed up for), Profile (to update your personal info and photo), and Settings (to change the slider switch for “Make my profile and schedule public”).
Have you gotten your hotel room?
Yes? Awesome – we hope you enjoy your stay at the Casino Del Sol!
Not yet? Officially, the block is sold out. However, our amazing event coordinator has been able to find a few rooms one by one and add them to our block for people. If you still need to make a reservation, please let us know and we’ll put you in touch with her. Otherwise, airbnb and vrbo have a good number of properties within 5-10 minutes of the casino, or you can look at My Place Hotel-Tucson South, AZ, 4690 S Calle Santa Cruz, Tucson, AZ 85714. FYI, we *are* going to be able to secure a larger room block for 2025 and 2026 (contract negotiations are being finalized at present) now that we have a 2-year history of completely fulfilling our block.
Did you pre-purchase meal tickets?
Yes? Awesome – they’ll be in your badge sleeve when you check in at the RinCon registration desk!
Not yet? There will be an *extremely* limited number of meal tickets available for purchase onsite. Otherwise, you can still purchase meals at the concession stands in the conference center at regular price, or head to one of the many casino venues.
Did you volunteer to help out at RinCon?
Yes? Awesome – we really appreciate you!
Not yet? We still have a few tasks that could use a helping hand. Check out what’s still available.
Are you excited for RinCon?
Yes? Awesome – we can’t wait either!
Not yet? It’s just a week away! Get psyched!!! 🙂
Have we answered all your questions?
Yes? Awesome – seeya soon!
Not yet? Check out the info our website rincongames.com, follow us on Facebook/Instagram, join our Discord from the link on the website under the Keep in Touch tab, or reply to this email.
Looking forward to seeing you at RinCon 2024, where gaming is in our NATURE!
–RinCon Staff